If you have downloaded dli_index.zip file from the download section on google code, then you can run the book search locally for Hindi, English and Sanskrit Books. You need to extract the zip file and copy the dli_index folder to the same directory where dli-downloader jar is placed. Searching is easier and faster with local index file, for example
DLI Downloader Search Panel
- If you want to search for books on Ayurveda, then type Ayurveda in the search panel and the relevant results will appear. If you type more than one word then results will appear relevant to both the words (ORing).
- If you do not know the exact spelling of the book you are looking for then type the word and append ~ at the end, this will do fuzzy search. For example you can search for ayrved~ and the results will contain Ayurveda Books as well.
- If you do not want to include certain books in your search results, then put a minus sign in front of the word you want to omit. For example you want to list all the Ayurveda Books except one in Sanskrit, then type ayurveda -Sanskrit in the search panel.
- If you want your multiple words to appear strictly in the results then type +sign before each word. for example +ayurveda +hindi will only show results which contain Ayurveda as well as Hindi in their metadata.
- If you want to list custom maximum number of results in the results then you can configure it in the Settings section by setting appropriate vale for maxSearchResults
- If you have the barcode of the book then you can search by barcode as well.
- If you got the desired book and now want to search for similar books then select the desired book and right click and then choose Find Similar, this will search all the similar books in DLI catalogue.
- If you want to search all the books with which has 10 pages then search for pages:10
- For more examples on Syntax Please refer to this Lucene Help Page http://lucene.apache.org/core/old_versioned_docs/versions/2_9_1/queryparsersyntax.html
- Once you find the book you are looking for then just right click on it and select Download.
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