We have rolled a new release of dli-downloader with some most awaited enhancements -
Key Features in this new release -
1. Its not a problem anymore if your internet connection goes down while downloading eBooks from DLI - dli-downloader will pause (not fail) till your internet connection is restored back. Hence zero manual intervention is required from the user for internet connectivity failures.
2. Yes you can search your local titles in local language. Now you can type words like धर्म भगवान बुद्धकी
शिक्षा in the search box and the results will appear.
3. Faster and better search locally (of-course you need to index first)
4. Better speed due to load balancing via multiple dli-servers. If a particular DLI server is slow then faster servers will be used for downloading the contents.
5. Search and Open the existing downloads right from the tool. All existing downloaded titles are displayed in green color in the search Panel, you can open them from within the Tool.
Please donate to help us serve the cause (At Will)
Amount as little as Rs 100 will help us serving the charity work, so please dn't hesitate. below are the bank details
In modern time, economic conditions determine the longevity of our actions. No amount o donation/charity can support a Good Activity for Long, the only option is to change the trade preferences so that the Good gets benefited over Bad. For example, If we want to survive the Cow then we need to invest in cow products, consume them, we need to make people aware of the economic benefits of the Cow, we need to buy Desi cow milk, desi ghee, panchgavya soap, GauArk, etc ! Once we start trading on cow based products then economic conditions will improve automatically and farmer will more likely choose Indigenous cow rather than Holstein, Jersey, etc. Same is true for all other areas as well (Alopathy vs Ayurveda, etc)
चाणक्य ने कहा था - "बुधिमान मनुष्य को ज्ञान, धन और सेवा से धर्म की रक्षा करनी चाहिए !" उपनिषद भी कहते हैं - "धर्मो रक्षति रक्षित:" यानी जो धर्म की रक्षा करता है, धर्म उसकी रक्षा करता है। कहा जाता है की धर्म और पाप देखा देखी बढ़ता है I
धारण करे सो धर्मंः - धर्म को मन, वचन और कर्म से धारण करने से ही वो उपयोगी होता है I
We have compiled a list of items mostly related to Vedic literature, where we spend funds collected from donation. If you know some good literature work related to the Ancient Indian/Vedic Practices, then please do inform us (by commenting on the blog, or dropping an email to cancerian0684@gmail.com), you can contribute by promote the material presented on this blog if you like !
1. Apne Doctor Swayam Bane and Go Sushma by Chetsanand & Uttam Maheshwari.
one copy costs Rs 250 & 60 Rs respectively. Buy it here
There are many other works on the some similar lines by Uttam Maheshvari, Rajiv Dixit, etc available at Youtube -
Cow and its Benefits to Human Society
Ayurveda for Happy Long Life without Medicine
2. Asana Pranayam Mudra Bandh by swami Satyanand Sarasvati
This is a very good book on Yoga Asana and Paranayam.
3. Books on Organic Farming by Subhash Palekar
Spiritual Farming with Zero Budget by Subhash Palekar
Adhyatmic Krishi ke Mool Tatva by Subhash Palekar
Baagwani Kaise Karein ?
This is a very good book if someone wants to switch to Vedic Cow Based Organic Farming, showing stats and methodology for zero budget farming. After following this manual, no amount of Fertilizer/Pesticide will be required for your farming needs.
Per paperback copy costs around Rs 50,100,100 respectively.
Best Formula for Organic Farming by Rajiv Dixit
Vish Mukt Krishi by Rajiv Dixit
Desi Kheti Formula by Shri Rajiv Dixit
4. Swadeshi Chikista Sar by Dr. Ajit Mehta
This books gives us very good collection of Home Remedies for most common illnesses.
Per copy costs around Rs 100. To get a free copy of this book, write back to Me !!!
5. Purusharth Chatushya - Artha, Kama, Dharma and Moksha
Its a very good work on understanding the Four Purushartha mentioned in Hindu Dharma. Its rightly mentioned that Dharma saves those who save Dharma -
6. Desi Cow Ghee (Indian Breed A2 milk cows only, No Jersey & Holstein Breeds)
Always Promote Desi Ghee due to its various medicinal benefits.
8. There are more than 300 varieties of Indian Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants, At times we order seeds from various available institutes/shops across India for these seeds
GreenField Forestory offers orders in Bulk Only. You can order seeds for Amla, Amaltash, Baheda, Bael, Bija, Gulmohar, Teak, Khair, and many other seeds from this website.
Advaita and Quantum Physics - Tao of Physics by Capra
This book tries to unify quantum physics and Advaita philosophy (Nataraj Shiva Dance)
For any doubt on purchasing above mentioned material, drop me an email cancerian0684@gmail.com
How can you contribute ?
By helping us grow the above Collection List on this blog. If you know any good literature work, please let us know - cancerian0684@gmail.com
By promoting this blog page to your friends, thereby spreading knowledge & awareness. Together we can have more impact ! संघे शक्ति कलियुगे I
Indigenous cows are speedily being replaced by foreign cows (Holstein, Jersey, etc). Consumer should become aware of the benefits of Indian breed cows and then start consuming cow products (Deshi Ghee, Deshi cow's milk, cow urine for illness, cow based soap etc), its better than giving donation to cow sheds. Trade with them for them to survive them !!
By gifting any of the item mentioned above to the seeker (who is keen to understand the subject, a true seeker). It does not cost much.
By becoming an example. That's the best way to promote it in modern era. धारण करे सो धर्म, इसलिए हम सब धर्म को धारण (मन, वचन और कर्म) करके अपनी, राष्ट्र की और इस धरती की सेवा कर सकते हैं I
If you want to contribute monetarily, then you can send us money to the following bank account (I am sorry I can not issue 80G as of now), I will make sure funds are properly used for this purpose only.
Bank Details for NEFT Transfer MUNISHCHANDEL a/c 5277618224 IFSC : CITI0000002 Citi Bank Branch NA. Delhi
Now you can create a local catalog of the books hosted on DLI, just goto download Tab and then choose Index Language and provide the language that you want to index. It will take some time to download the contents from the DLI server.
Video Demonstration for Indexing new language books in dli-downloader
Step 1. Start DLI downloader and goto "Downloads" Tab, then right click, select "Index Language" and then choose the name of language that you are interested in (Sanskri, Gujrati, etc)
Step 2. Make sure internet connection is available, and let the indexing task complete. Once indexing is complete then you can search the books locally.
If you have downloaded dli_index.zip file from the download section on google code, then you can run the book search locally for Hindi, English and Sanskrit Books. You need to extract the zip file and copy the dli_index folder to the same directory where dli-downloader jar is placed. Searching is easier and faster with local index file, for example
DLI Downloader Search Panel
If you want to search for books on Ayurveda, then type Ayurveda in the search panel and the relevant results will appear. If you type more than one word then results will appear relevant to both the words (ORing).
If you do not know the exact spelling of the book you are looking for then type the word and append ~ at the end, this will do fuzzy search. For example you can search for ayrved~ and the results will contain Ayurveda Books as well.
If you do not want to include certain books in your search results, then put a minus sign in front of the word you want to omit. For example you want to list all the Ayurveda Books except one in Sanskrit, then type ayurveda -Sanskrit in the search panel.
If you want your multiple words to appear strictly in the results then type +sign before each word. for example +ayurveda +hindi will only show results which contain Ayurveda as well as Hindi in their metadata.
If you want to list custom maximum number of results in the results then you can configure it in the Settings section by setting appropriate vale for maxSearchResults
If you have the barcode of the book then you can search by barcode as well.
If you got the desired book and now want to search for similar books then select the desired book and right click and then choose Find Similar, this will search all the similar books in DLI catalogue.
If you want to search all the books with which has 10 pages then search for pages:10
Option to search books locally based on the criteria and download them. Catalogue has been created locally which stores metadata for books in Hindi, Sanskrit (All Books) & 2 Lac books in English (60% of total). So you can search for a book in a matter of seconds and download it without providing the barcode in download window. You need to download and extract the index file (dli_index) to the same folder where dli-downloader jar is kept, otherwise local search will not work.
DLI Settings has been moved to the Main Tool Window, making it easier to change the settings.
If you like a book, you can find similar books with a single click. Thus easing the search pain.
If you want to give it a try then download the 4.x version from this location
This new release uses Lucene to index the metadata of the DLI catalogue and stores the catalogue index locally in order to achieve the faster search. It uses 22 MB of extra disk space for storing 1.25 Lac book catalogue. The size of the executable has also grown to 6 MB.
1.) I am not able to start the Application, how do I troubleshoot ?
Please note that this application works almost on all platforms, the only dependency is the Java 7. run the following command to make sure that proper version of Java is installed on your system.
java -version
java version “1.7.0_X”
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_21-b11)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 23.21-b01, mixed mode) If it doesn’t, then something is wrong with the installation. make sure previous versions of Java are un-installed properly.
2.) I am facing a problem while downloading a particular barcode, it fails every time I try to download. I am not able to understand the logs, what should I do ?
Whenever a failure occurs, a log file is created in download directory with name <barcode>.log
Please send that log file to me at cancerian0684@gmail.com
I will analyze the failure cause and get back to you.
3.) I have lots of DLI books with me spread over multiple directories, how can i make sure that i am not downloading the same file again, causing duplicates ?
All download directories can be configured in DLI Settings. Open DLI settings and set the following property downloadDirectories to reflect all the DLI download directories separating them with semicolon. For example -
Please note that each DLI pdf should have barcode present in its name. Now DLI downloader will scan all the PDF’s at the startup time and will not allow you to download them again by giving you the warning that PDF for this barcode already exists.
4.) I do not want to have PDF metadata Page in my downloaded PDF’s. How can I remove that page ?
This can be configured in DLI Settings.
Set createBarcodePage = false will suppress the creation of first metadata page.
5.) I want to Configure Proxy Settings to run this tool under corporate firewall, How can I do that ?
HTTP proxy support is not yet added to this tool, but you can give a try passing this command line arguments and see if it works for you. java -client -Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=8800 -jar DLIDownloader-4.8-jar-with-dependencies
6.) I have a text file which contains ten's of barcodes each separated by a line, Can I use that file to download all those barcodes instead entering each of them into tool manually ?
Tool can accept the <file path> as the input in such case. Just paste the path for that text file into input of Tool and it will create downloads for you.
7.) Why does DLI Downloader takes some time when I try to shut it down ?
DLI Downloader is a multi-threaded application where multiple files are downloaded in background for a given barcode. When a download is in progress then we try to complete the currently downloading TIFF before exit in order to have a graceful shutdown leaving no intermittent partial download. That's why it takes some time, and you will see no partially downloaded file onto your disk.
Digital Library Of India [http://www.dli.ernet.in/] hosts millions of copyright freed scanned books in English and Indian Languages for public access. Unfortunately this website does not provide any mechanism to download the entire e-book in any format. DLI-downloader provides a smooth and hassle free interface to all DLI servers which allows you to search and downloads the eBooks right from the Tool.
5 minutes Video Introduction for dli-downloader Tool (Play HD)
Key Features of DLI Downloader
Search DLI books at lightening fast speed. Option to find the similar books.
Download Books in PDF Format right within the DLI Downloader tool with a single click.
Queue up your download items in the tool and let it download books silently for you.
Load balancing from multiple dli-servers for better speed for downloads.Tool will pick up the best speed available DLI server for download.
Application can minimize to system tray so as not to interfere with your other tasks & reducing the memory footprint. It saves unfinished jobs upon exit.
Configure the download speed threshold of the application over a metered network so that the tool does not eat up all the available bandwidth of the network.
Automatic error handling for the corrupt file downloads due to unknown errors at the time of PDF conversion.
Internet Connectivity Issues - not a problem with this tool. Downloads will pause when your internet connection goes down and resume after internet is back. what else you want ?
Works well on x64 & x86 on Windows 7, Windows 8, Mac And Ubuntu 12.10.
Above all, everything is for Free !!
How it Works ?
Searching a Book in Digital Library of India is very easy through this tool, just type in the keyword in search panel. Existing downloads appears in green color, that you can directly open. For other titles, just right click and choose download.
Searching for the Desired Book
Downloading the Book in PDF format
Sometimes we want to configure settings for the dli downloader, the Settings Tabs is right for this work. Don't change the settings if you do not understand it.
Run the dli-downloader jar by double clicking it on windows. Unix and Mac users please do run the following command java -jar dli-downloader-5.9-jar-with-dependencies
Create Local Index for Books catalogue for a language of you choice, this step is must for enabling the local search (otherwise you need to manually enter barcode into downloads Tab)
Search the desired book in Search Tab and right click to download the book.
Your download will start or queue up.
Once you are done with all the downloads, then find the DLI icon in the system tray and right click on it, then choose exit to quit the application.
That's it, enjoy !!!
Configuration Settings Explained
numberParallelJobs - number of parallel downloads at any given point in time.
readTimeOutMs - this is socket read time out value before throwing an timeout exception in milli seconds.
rootDirectory - directory where the fresh downloads will be saved.
speedLimitKBps - maximum speed limit that the application will use for all its downloads.
deleteTifIfSuccessful - if set to true then the TIFF files will be deleted if PDF conversion and tiff download goes successful.
maxRetryCount- If connection to server is very slow then the connection timeout exception can occur. In case the download fails, then this property will decide how many times to retry the failed download.
maxConsecutiveFailure - maximum number of consecutive IOExceptions from the server before the tool stops downloading the given barcode.
downloadDirectories- comma or semicolon separated list of directories which can contain the already downloaded PDF files. The pdf file must contain the barcode in its name. This directory will be scanned by the tool at the time of startup for caching the existing downloads and a warning prompt will appear to user if he tries to download the same barcode again.
quality - TIFF to PDF conversion quality. Maximum quality is A2, minimum is A7
lookAndFeelNumber - 0 is SystemLookAndFeel, 1 is NimbusLookAndFeel, 2 is WindowsLookAndFeel
createBarcodePage - setting it to true will create an initial page displaying the metadata of the barcode.
Java Source Key Features
The Java Implementation of this tool embeds various design patterns & Algorithms like,
Token Bucket Algorithm for managing the download speed
Observer Design pattern which enables Swings GUI to be observer of the running download task
Concurrency Utilities like Executor Framework has been utilized for the parallel processing and maximized throughput.
If anyone feel like donating money for this work, feel free to do that. Even a small amount will help us support the cause (Distributing Vedic Literature, Tree Plantation & Gow Palan, etc)